
MongoDB Assessment, aprueba la evaluación de Linkedin con la patilla

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Preguntas y respuestas sobre Mongo

Which command adds members to the replica set from MongoDB shell?

☑ rs.add( ‘ ‘ )
☐ replicaSetAdd( ‘ ‘ )
☐ rs.insert( ‘ ‘ )
☐ replica.add( ‘ ‘ )

Which MongoDB shell command should you use to back up a database?

☐ restore
☐ backup
☐ mongobackup
☑ mongodump

Which shell query displays all citizens with an age greater than or equal to 21?

☐ ‘WHERE age >= 21’ )
☐ ‘age >= 21’ )
☐ ‘WHERE age >= 21’ )
☑ { age: { $gte: 21 } } )

What does a MongoDB collection consist of

☐ data
☑ documents
☐ fields
☐ rows

Given an ObjectId in _id, how do you get the time it was created?

☐ getDateTime( _id )
☐ _id.createDate( )
☑ _id.getTimestamp( )
☐ _id.getDateTime( )

Given a cursor named myCursor, which command returns a boolean value?

☑ myCursor.hasNext( )
☐ myCursor.sort( )
☐ )
☐ myCursor.find( )

Which command returns a specific document in the user’s collection?

☑ db.users.find( { _id: 1 } )
☐ { _id: 1 } )
☐ db.users.query( { _id: 1 } )
☐ db.query.users( { _id: 1 } )

To import a JSON array into Mongo, what flags are needed with MongoDBimport?

☐ –type jsonArray
☐ –json
☐ –type json
☑ –jsonArray

Choose the shell command that connects to a MongoDB database.

☑ mongo
☐ mongod
☐ mongoconnect
☐ dbconnect

In the MongoDB shell, how can you tell if an index was used with a query?

☑ db.customers.find( { lastName: ‘smith’ } ).explain( )
☐ db.customers.find( { lastName: ‘smith’ } ).perf( )
☐ db.customers.find( { lastName: ‘smith’ } ).plan( )
☐ db.customers.find( { lastName: ‘smith’ } ).usedIndex( )

Suppose your aggregation pipeline terminated with an exception referring to exceeded memory limit. What is the best way to resolve the issue?

☐ Set useMemory to twice amount indicated in exception
☐ Switch a 64 bit instance of MongoDB
☐ Increase the memory of the MongoDB server
☑ Set allowDiskUse to true

What is the recommended way to delete a user?

☐ db.deleteUser( ‘user’ )
☐ db.removeUser( ‘user’ ) DEPRECATED
☐ db.remove( ‘user’ )
☑ db.dropUser( ‘user’ )

What the primary database in a replica set fails, when does failover begin?

☐ once the primary has been down for 10 minutes
☐ once the primary reboots
☑ immediately
☐ after the administrator reboots the primary

What is the correct option to set up Kerberos when starting MongoDBd?

☑ –setParameter authenticationMechanisms=GSSAPI
☐ –setAuthentication=GSSAPI
☐ –setParam auth=K
☐ –setAuth method=Kerberos

What is the purpose of an arbiter in a replica set?

☐ It monitors replica set and sends email in case of failure
☑ It casts the tie-breaking vote in an election
☐ It holds a backup copy of the database
☐ It reboots the failed server

You would like to know how many types of items you have in each category. Which query does this?

☐ { _id: ‘$category’, count: { $sum: 1 } } )
☐ db.product.aggregate( $sum: { _id: ‘$category’, count: { $group: 1 } } } )
☑ db.product.aggregate( $group: { _id: ‘$category’, count: { $sum: 1 } } } )
☐ db.product.aggregate( $count: { _id: ‘$category’, count: { $group: 1 } } } )

To restrict the number of records coming back from a query, which command should you use?

☐ take
☑ limit
☐ max
☐ skip

We have a collection named restaurants with the geographical information stored in the location property, how do you create a geospatial index on it?

☑ db.restaurants.CreateIndex( { location: ‘2dsphere’ } )
☐ db.restaurants.geospatial( { location: ‘2dsphere’ } )
☐ db.restaurants.CreateIndex( ‘2dsphere’: ‘location’ )
☐ db.restaurants.CreateIndex( { geospatial: ‘location’ } )

How do you find documents with a matching item in an embedded array?

☐ **db.customers.findmatch( { ‘jobs’: ‘secretary’ } )**
☐ **db.customers.find( { ‘jobs: secretary’ } )**
☐ **db.customers.find( { ‘jobs’: [‘secretary’] } )**
☑ **db.customers.find( {‘jobs’: ‘secretary’} )**

Which query bypasses the first 5 customers and returns the next 10?

☐ **db.customers.find( { }, { skip: 5, limit: 10 } )**
☐ **db.customers.find( { }.page( 5 ).take( 10 ) )**
☐ **db.customers.find( { } ).skip( 5 ).take( 10 )**
☑ **db.customers.find( { } ).skip( 5 ).limit( 10 )**

How do you create a text index?

☐ db.customers.createIndex( { firstName, lastName } )
☐ db.customers.createTextIndex( { firstName, lastName } )
☑ db.customers.createIndex( { firstName: ‘text’, lastName: ‘text’ } )
☐ db.customers.createText( { firstName: 1, lastName: 1 } )

Assuming you have customers collection with a firstName and lastName field, which is the correct MongoDB shell command to create an index on lastName, then firstName both ascending?

☐ db.customers.createIndex( ‘lastName, firstName, ASC’)
☐ db.customers.addIndex( { lastName: ‘ASC’, firstName: ‘ASC’ } )
☐ db.customers.newIndex( { lastName: 1, firstName: 1 } )
☑ db.customers.createIndex( { lastName: 1, firstName: 1 } )

One of the documents in your collection has an _ id based upon an older database design and you want to change it. You write an update command to find the document and replace the _ id but the _ id isnt changed. How should you fix the issue?

☐ Set the replace option to true
☐ Use the replaceOne( ) command instead
☑ You cant. Once set the _ id field cannot be changed
☐ Use the updateOne( ) command instead

A compound index allows you to ___ ?

☐ Calculate interest quickly
☐ Accomplish nothing, since compound indexes arent allowed in Mongo
☐ Use more than one field per index
☑ Combine fields in different collations

Why are ad-hoc queries useful?

☐ They do not have to use the same operators
☐ You do not need to structure the database to support them
☐ They autogenerate reports
☑ They run faster than indexed queries

How often do the members of a replica set send heartbeats to each other?

☐ every 2 minutes
☐ every 5 seconds
☑ every 2 seconds
☐ every 10 seconds

Which command returns all of the documents in the customers collection?

☐ **db.customers.all( )**
☐ **db.find( ).customers( );**
☑ **db.customers.find( );**
☐ ** )**

Given a cursor named myCursor, pointing to the customers collection, how to you get basic info about it?

☐ myCursor.stats( )
☐ myCursor.dump( )
☐ )
☑ myCursor.explain( )

What is true about indexes?

☑ They speed up read access while slowing down writes
☐ They secure the database from intruders
☐ They speed up reads and writes
☐ They speed up write access while slowing down reads

What is the preferred format to store geospatial data in MongoDB?

☐ Latitude, longitude

Which programming language is used to write MongoDB queries?

☐ Python
☑ JavaScript
☐ TypeScript

You have two text fields in your document and you’d like both to be quickly searchable. What should you do?

☑ Create a text index on each field
☐ MongoDB is not able to do this
☐ Create a compound text index using both fields
☐ Create a text index on one field and a single field index on the other

To import a CSV file into MongoDB, which command should you issue?

☐ mongorestore
☐ mongoi
☐ upload
☑ mongoimport

In an MongoDB mapReduce command, the reduce function should ____.

☐ access the database
☐ be called only when the key has a single value
☐ acces the database only to perform read operations
☑ not access the data

On a newly created collection, which field will have an index?

☐ the name field
☐ the Objectid field
☑ the _id field
☐ no field will have an index

You have a collection of thousands of students. You’d like to return the second set of 20 documents from the sorted collection. What is the proper order in which to apply the operations?

☐ limit, skip, sort
☐ sort, limit, skip
☐ limit, sort, skip
☑ sort, skip, limit

You would like the stats() command to return kilobytes instead of bytes. Which command should you run?

☑ db.vehicle.stats( 1024 )
☐ db.vehicle.stats( ‘kilobytes’ )
☐ db.vehicle.stats( true )
☐ db.vehicle.stats( ‘kb’ )

You’d like to modify an existing index. What is the best way to do this?

☐ Use the reIndex( ) command to modify the index
☑ Delete the original index and create a new index
☐ Call the createIndex( ) command with the update option
☐ Use the updateIndex( ) command

You need to delete the index you created on the description field. Which command will accomplish this?

☑ db.vehicle.dropIndex( ‘description_text’ )
☐ db.vehicle.dropIndex( { ‘description’: ‘text’ } )
☐ db.vehicle.removeIndex( { ‘description’: ‘text’ } )
☐ db.vehicle.removeIndex( ‘description_text’ )

You would like to know how many different categories you have. Which query will best get the job done?

☐ db.vehicle.distinct( ‘category’ )
☐ db.vehicle.unique( ‘category’ )
☑ db.vehicle.distinct( ‘category’ ).count( )
☐ db.vehicle.distinct( ‘category’ ).length

From the MongoDB shell, how do you create a new document in the customers collection?

☐ **db.customers.add( { name: ‘Bob’ } )**
☐ ** { name: ‘Bob’ } )**
☑ **db.customers.create( { name: ‘Bob’ } )**
☐ ** { name: ‘Bob’ } )**

Which field is required of all MongoDB documents?

☑ _id
☐ _name
☐ objectId
☐ mongoDB is schema-less so no field is required

Which MongoDB shell command should you use to back up a database?

☐ backup
☐ restore
☐ mongobackup
☑ mongodump

Which shell query displays all citizens with an age greater than or equal to 21?

☐ **db.citizens.find( ‘WHERE age >= 21’ )**
☑ **db.citizens.find( { age: { \$gte: 21 } } )**
☐ **db.citizens.where( ‘age >= 21’ )**
☐ ** ‘WHERE age >= 21’ )**

A MongoDB instance has at least what three files?

☑ data, namespace, and journal
☐ namespace, journal, and log
☐ journal, data, and database
☐ data, log, and journal

You’d like a set of documents to be returned in last name, ascending order. Which query will accomplish this?

☐ db.persons.find( ).sort( { lastName: -1 } }
☑ db.persons.find( ).sort( { lastName: 1 } }
☐ db.persons.find( ).sort( { lastName: ascending } }
☐ db.persons.find( ).sort( { lastName: $asc } }

Esperemos que te sirvan. Ahora pasar el MongoDB Assessment será coser y cantar.

Más información sobre MondoDB Assessment: sitio oficial

José María

Ingeniero de formación, es un apasionado de pantallas, teclas, códigos, matemáticas y jeroglíficos varios; cuenta con un enfermizo síndrome obsesivo-compulsivo por el detalle y el trabajo bien hecho.